Silver Sound DJ Taz Sellers

Successfully helping to create the perfect event for 20 years

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Battle Grounds

EILEEN & MICHAEL - MAY 27, 2012 - HISOTRIC WAYNESBOROUGH Pennsylvania is rich in history, and the picturesque setting of Historic Waynesborough is not just an important place in the battle for independence but a magnificent setting to hold a wedding. The Historic Waynesborough House and Museum  managed by Jeffery Miller Catering provides a magnificent backdrop for an unique wedding location. Eileen and Michael started their special...

Secret Garden

 SEANA & STEVEN - MAY 11, 2012 - WYNDHAM GARDEN EXTON Believe it or not there is a hotel nestled in Chester County with quite the secret garden out back for wedding receptions. The hotel is the Wyndham Garden in Exton which has a unique wedding oasis  complete with ceremony area and tented reception facilities. This was the setting for the wedding of Seana and Steven's ceremony and reception.  Working at the Wyndham Garden...

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Stomping at the Savoy

Click here for Photos NANCY AND MARK - MAY 12th - HARRY'S SAVOY It never fails that some of my favorite events of my DJ career so far have taken place in Delaware. Nancy and Mark's wedding was another of these great events to add to the roster.  Harry's Savoy is a great facility with staff that is second to none.  Upon arrival I found that I had the pleasure of seeing dear industry friend Tom Covello from Celebrations Design Group,...

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Going to The Dogs

Click to View Photos Once in a while a wedding I work on strikes such a unique chord with me that I still feel the high from doing it for months to come.  Larah and Lou's wedding was one of those events.  Being a dog owner and lover myself I found the personal touch of including their furry ones into the the wedding priceless.  Both dogs had matching wedding attire on while they carried the rings up the isle during the ceremony...